
St Peter's 2-8

Clifton, York, YO30 6AB


+44 1904 527361


St Peter's 2-8

School Office


St Peter's 8-13

Queen Anne's Road, York, YO30 7WA


+44 1904 527416


St Peter's 8-13

School Office


St Peter's 13-18

Clifton, York, YO30 6AB


+44 1904 527300


St Peter's 13-18

School Office

Welcome to St Peter's 13-18

In St Peter's 13-18

At St Peter’s 13-18 you will find increasing areas of opportunity whether in the classroom, through academic extension or in the co-curricular programme. We want you to open up new avenues and the sheer breadth of activity means that we operate on a full six day schedule - any less and there wouldn’t be time for all we do.

With our boarding community being ever-present, this is a school where being busy, happy and active is a way of life.  The years you spend from the age of 13 to 18 are amongst the most exciting and rewarding of your time at school. It is a wonderful age when you start to develop particular interests and specialisms before stepping over the threshold into adult life and all that lies ahead.  

It is a great time for developing your sense of personal responsibility and taking on leadership alongside working in teams. It can also be a challenging time and support is here for you and your family all the way through and after your time at St Peter’s. The House system is the engine room of the school and the bedrock of pastoral care alongside other structures and there is a wealth of guidance and advice on making choices about careers and future pathways. 

St Peter’s is a wonderful, magical place and has been such an integral part of our family life… [My children] will always look back with immense pride and joy at their time within the school.

Parent Comment, St Peter’s 13-18 (RS Academics Survey, 2019)

St Peter’s is an exceptionally happy and friendly school, where enthusiasm, fair play and development of the whole person are considered as equally important as success in examinations.

Jeremy Walker, Head Master

St Peter’s develops determined all-rounders capable of contributing to society once they leave, confident in the skills they have acquired at this historic school.

The Sunday Times 

St Peter's is a wonderful place for young people to grow and develop... A forward-looking school with an inspiring curriculum.

Review of St Peter's 13-18, The Good Schools Guide

The school prepared my children really well for the next stage of their education. Both my children have left St Peter's with a good work ethic and great skills

Parent Review, Talk Education

Our beautiful campus and outstanding facilities give you space to grow and a sense of beauty and calm. Meanwhile, York is one of the best cities in the country in which to spend your years as a teenager and beyond and our links to the Minster and partnerships with local schools, universities and other cultural organisations brings a richness to the experience of being a Peterite.  

One thing to watch out for is that your final years at school can move pretty fast. Make the most of it and you will find that life at St Peter’s will be full of challenging fun as you learn the keys for life. 

The best way to get a sense of St Peter's 13-18 is to join us for an Open Event or book a visit to tour the School. We look forward to meeting you.