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Keystone wins the Rising Stars 2021 Award

Keystone wins the Rising Stars 2021 Award
St Peter's 13-18 Awards

We are delighted to announce that the latest edition of Keystone, the pupil-led school magazine, has won the ‘Rising Stars 2021 Award’ at the Shine School Awards, the most prestigious school media award in the UK!

Keystone is a periodical written and edited by Sixth Formers interested in the creative arts and contemporary culture at St Peter's School. All liaison with the publishers, design, editing and distribution are the responsibility of the pupil team, led by a designated chief editor. Keystone is the flagship of pupil journalism at St Peter’s.

There will be a prize-giving event later in the year. The virtual award ceremony can be viewed here (12:47):

Freddy, editor for the Keystone:

I’m really pleased with how well Keystone has done. I loved the fun and the challenge that creating the magazine presented to us and really enjoyed seeing all of everyone’s hard work coming together so well. 

Natasha, editor for the Keystone:

It’s been very rewarding to see our hard work coming to life and achieving the recognition it has. This venture into journalism has been great and we have managed to achieve so much in a short space of time.

Mrs Todd said:

It’s an amazing accolade for all the pupils involved to have been recognised at such a prestigious awards ceremony. Shine Media Awards showcases the crème de la crème of school journalism, and as a newly formed editorial team, it is impressive that the pupils fought off competition to win. They worked immensely hard, editing and designing all elements of the magazine themselves.

Mr Jeremy Walker, Head Master of St Peter's School, said:

Many congratulations to the fantastic team behind Keystone magazine.  It is great to see what our talented and creative pupils can achieve and I am proud of the recognition they have been given in this award.

We are so proud of our talented Sixth Formers, well done!

Read our latest edition of the Keystone.


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Keystone wins the Rising Stars 2021 Award