It's been a busy week in Debate Soc as our Debaters helped to prepare the Mace team for their 1st round competition next week - good look Gabs, Beth and Moses.
Our Public Speaking Team of Amara, Ed and Sam went to the Merchant Adventurer's Hall on Wednesday evening and, in front of a large audience of local secondary school pupils and the Sheriff of York, they informed and entertained us with an excellent speech with the title "York is a city of the past, it has no future".
Thursday lunchtime we had the Senior Inter House Debating final, which was debated between Hope House and School House. It's been a wonderful competition, well supported, researched and debated with everyone playing their part for their House - your House Parents will be very proud. The final motion was This House Opposes Long Sentences for Disruptive Activists and it was, in the end, HOPE House that came out as victors.