The St Peter’s Careers Team were joined by the Walker Crips Investment Management company for a talk back on the 25th September. They held a financial workshop with a competition which included a presentation, covering credit cards, budgeting advice, cash flow information and saving for the future.
The pupils in attendance then broke into groups to partake in an investment challenge. Each group was given a virtual £10,000 to invest, which was then monitored for three months by Alan Kinnaird, a Senior Investment Manager at Walker Crips Investment Management in York. The performances were measured from start date 15/10/24 to 31/12/24, using prices ruling on these days.
Alan said “The school did very well as the S&P500 only rose by 1.1% over the period and all entries beat the index.”.
Pupils enjoyed the challenge and the hands-on practical experience it gave them which will help them with their future CV and career aspirations. The results of the challenge have just come in and awards will be given, alongside prizes, to the winning participants.
The results for the Walker Crips Investment Competition are shown below.
Winner : Matthew + 19.6%
Runners Up
Team : Freddie, James, Jasper +12.6%
Team : NGDR +9.6%
Team : Stock Whisperer +2.5%
Team : PeterSam +2.1%
The winner gets a £50 book voucher, and the runners up get £20! Alan noted “ our company was very impressed with the high standard and performance of all entries.”.
Thank you to Walker Crips Investment Management for holding the competition and to the Careers Team for organizing the event.
#StPetersCareers #StPetersSixthForm