Pupils at St Peter’s 2-8 have discovered their new themes for the summer term! Each term the children are given a new theme that will be the focus of their learning. This term pupils are learning about faraway lands and we hope this will result in the pupils asking lots of questions about the world around them inspired by the theme.
Instead of a theme, this term Reception are hosting backpack adventure sessions. Each week four children from each class will be sharing with their classmates the places they have travelled to around the world. Our teachers will be making an interactive map accessible through a QR code, which will be used to share the children’s photos from their adventures.
Year 1 are learning about Asia with their theme ‘Grab your backpack and go travelling’. This term Year 1’s theme will centre around their core text, Elephants of the Tsunami. The pupils will be travelling across Asia, stopping off at different countries along the way. The children will lead their teachers on this journey, following their interests and knowledge about the world.
Philosophical concepts within the text include:
- Faith, spirituality and belief
- Happiness and dreams
- Adversity
- Democracy
- Strength
Our pupils are hoping to make links with schools in Indonesia and Thailand and will be writing to individual children to find out more about their lives and culture.
Much of the work this term will be leading up to their Fabulous Finish when the children will host a Grand Exhibition for parents.
Year 2 are learning about Madagascar. When the pupils came back on the first day of term they discovered a crate, inside they found a lemur! The children will be looking at animals and plants indigenous to Madagascar, including animals such as the lemur.
Pupils will be exploring the world map and oceans including looking at climates, continents and the Equator. In class, the children will be learning and understanding the importance of conservation and taking part in charity work and fundraising activities including Sir Captain Tom Moore’s 100 Challenge and Vanilla for Change.
Pupils have a very extensive reading list this term including Madagascar, Into the Jungle, One Plastic Bag and The Big Book of Just So Stories.
Year 3’s learning theme is ‘On the Road to Africa’. Their class text is The Boy Who Biked The World by Alastair Humphreys. The children will be following the journey of a young boy who has the adventure of a lifetime travelling through Europe and to Africa… on a bike!
Year 3 pupils will be exploring continents and countries around the world and learning about different cultures and religions. The children will research famous explorers of the past and present and look at STEM designs of famous landmarks. They will have lots of fun baking food items native to different countries. The children are all very excited to use maps to navigate their way around the world and develop survival skills and techniques.
Year 3 will also be focusing on a charity to help raise money for a cause in need.