In this year's annual Science Christmas Lecture, the St Peter's Science departments honoured the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's first folio. The lecture was based around Shakespeare's words from As You Like It, about the Seven Ages of Man.
Physics began by explaining where the atoms come from, that unite to eventually form a Baby: Starting with the Big Bang and showing some experiments from the very birth of science, including Heron's Fountain. Biologists dramatized the process of fertilisation and discussed the origin of life, and four billion years of evolution, in just a few minutes.
Chemists demonstrated Zinc fireworks and explained how this links to Zinc reactions, which happen when an egg is successfully fertilised. We also saw lots of colour changing chemistry and demonstrations of the use of smart materials in nappies. A chemistry Judge put Fritz Harber on trial for inventing the Harber process and its effects on crop production, and amongst other things high explosives, concluding with a beautiful Ammonia fountain demonstration.
The Soldier gave the physics department an excuse to demonstrate a confetti cannon and a vacuum cannon to dramatic effect. Then Biology and Physics joined forces to discuss the eyesight of the Pantaloon. Audience volunteers were challenged to experience the world as we truly see it, using upside-down goggles.
Concluding the lecture, physics demonstrated the magical reverse entropy trick, to aid a discussion of the cyclic nature of the cosmos.
Serious fun was had by all at this year's science lectures, which were presented to the school in the daytime and the public on Tuesday evening.
Many thanks go to all of our science colleagues, technical and support staff, for collaborating so well on this years Christmas lecture.
Andy Parr
Dec 2023