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The Yoto Carnegie Medal Shortlist 2022

The Yoto Carnegie Medal Shortlist 2022

Our English pupils were invited to read a book from The Yoto Carnegie Medal Shortlist 2022. The winner of the award, announced earlier this month, was 'October, October', so we tasked pupils with finding a winner for St Peter's. The pupils read their books independently and in yesterday's lunchtime event, they shared a summary, read an extract, and delivered their reasons for why their chosen book should win.

Every pupil who took part delivered an eloquent and convincing reason for their book to be the winner, and the quality of ideas and involvement was fantastic. The English Department were delighted by the high-quality discussion and sophisticated presentation. It was almost impossible to choose some winners. Three prizes were awarded to Alice ('When the Sky Falls'), Ellie  ('Tsunami Girl'), and Amelie ('The Crossing'), and all the pupils involved were given a copy of their book. It was a wonderful way to spend lunchtime and thanks go to the brave readers in the Fourth Form for taking part in the event, the English teachers for reading the books and showing their support, the supporting friends who brought applause and an appetite for literary discussion (and cupcakes!), and to Mrs Wong and Ms Pearson for planning and setting-up the event.

Miss Edgar, Head of English at St Peter's, said "I'm already looking forward to next year's event, and to hear more from the pupils involved who should be enormously proud of their involvement!"

Pupil, Alice said, "I thoroughly enjoyed this opportunity to assess the role of literature in our society".

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The Yoto Carnegie Medal Shortlist 2022