Art and Design lessons have continued throughout lockdown at St Peter’s 8-13.
J2 have created colourful paper animals in their Design and Technology lessons using card, paper and other materials found at home. The designs ranged from bees and butterflies to frogs and birds.
J3 have been developing their watercolour painting skills in Art over the last few weeks by painting baby Emperor penguins at home. Miss Leaver is very impressed by their compositions.
Meanwhile, J4 have been learning about one- and two-point perspective in their Design and Technology lessons. Miss Leaver asked them to think about horizon lines, light sources, oblique angles and the basic principles of isometric drawing.
Finally, J5 have created some stunning artwork using watercolour paints, from brightly coloured parrots to delicate wildflowers. They have also been practising their pencil drawing skills, using pencil sharpeners as their subject matter.