This week we have launched our much anticipated short film featuring our wonderful York Minster Choristers, showing the fun and adventure the role can bring.
Being a York Minster Chorister is a unique and inspiring opportunity. Not only do our Choristers enjoy clubs and interests alongside their school day and being with friends, but they collectively sing at services each week in the famous York Minster. As one of our choristers put it; “It’s a normal school day with extra WOW bits”.
Each year we select four new girls and four new boys to go into Year 4 and join our world-class choir of York Minster. Not only do these pupils get extra trips and social activities, exceptional music training and the opportunity to perform at high profile events, but they also receive a substantial scholarship towards their education at St Peter’s School.
Do you know a child who loves to sing? Whether they are a current pupil or one looking to join our vibrant and oversubscribed school in Year 4 for September 2024, register for them to come to our Chorister Experience Day Saturday 7 October 2.30pm.
Chorister Experience Day
Join York Minster’s Music Department and staff from St Peter’s School on Saturday 7 October and become a chorister for a day.
Children will meet at York Minster at 2.30pm where they will have the chance to explore life as a York Minster Chorister with a range of singing and other activities, as well as joining a rehearsal with the Choir of York Minster and singing at a service of Choral Evensong.
There will be an opportunity for parents to attend a question and answer session about being a chorister, before attending Choral Evensong at 5.30pm.
All children interested in singing are welcome to attend, no prior experience is required.
This event is recommended for children in school years 2 to 4
Register here: York Minster Chorister Experience Day 2023